NEW 2021 Domain name


are forwarded to                                  

      same old website = 3-30-2021          

(delete old long username @ .org)

* * * * * * * * * * * *                          


JFS/AI Organization

Click on the icons below access more information:

Icon for the AI will take you directly to the web site that includes ALL their information including the original questionnaire - if you have not completed the 11 questions, please do so ASAP (click on the questionnaire icon). They need to know what your families wants and needs are, even if you think that you do not need anything now, please complete it so that you can be on their mailing list and e-mail database. You never know what good information and/or services might be of benefit to your family in a time of need.

Jewish Family Service Logo    Alexander Institute Questionnaire Image

JFS "Disability Services" - formally known as Alexander Institute - is now part of JFS

Online Resouce Guide

 Special Needs Guide Cover  Special Needs Resources Logo

Icon on the left will take you to the web page with more information - icon on the right will take you directly to the 64 page pdf file - resource guide

WORK - Celebration Company

Celebration Company started out offering work three days a week (M,Tu,Thurs.) but has now extended this to five days a week - so that members can participate in the community.

Celebration Company is an entrepreneurial business site developed by JFS Alexander Institute to provide Jewish adults with special needs an entry into the workplace.